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Sun care protection is a must for all children

The first day of school may have been pushed back, with some children at home enjoying their extended holiday while others are starting the year with home schooling. But just because school hasn’t physically started, doesn’t mean that protecting your child’s skin from the sun during the day is off the cards. In fact, with them being at home even longer, the chances of impromptu swims, runs around the garden and even a quick family walk around the block can occur much easier now than before. School may be delayed, but summer is still very much on.

“Applying sunscreen to your child before they leave for school in the morning, no matter what the season, is a routine that most South African families take part in, and rightly so. The summer sun can cause damage to your child’s skin when left unprotected, and to avoid this sunscreen needs to be applied before leaving the house,” explains Alexa Wilding, senior brand manager for Everysun. “However, just because your school’s starting dates have been pushed back, doesn’t mean that your child’s skin is safe. In fact, being at home allows for more frequent trips outside, and therefore that sunscreen regime should still most definitely continue.”

Most children love to be outdoors, however encountering high amounts of UV rays while outside can damage skin cells, resulting in wrinkles, discoloured skin and even skin cancer later in life. This damage may not be seen for many years but teaching them healthy sun care habits now can help ensure that their skin is protected from any future damage. It is estimated that people get between 50% and 75% of their sun exposure before the age of 18, therefore this is the time that you can reduce the damage done to your child’s skin.

“Children’s skin is more sensitive to sunlight, and the fairer your child’s skin, the easier it can be damaged by the sun,” comments Wilding. “This is not to say that children with darker skin tones are less affected; sunburn and skin damage can affect all skin types and tones.”

Limiting the sun exposure children may experience can be done by introducing the following tips:

  • Always wear a hat and if possible, sunglasses as well.
  • Avoid playing outside during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Always apply sunscreen before going outside, and immediately after swimming.
  • Always stay hydrated.

“Following simple rules to sun exposure will help limit the sun damage to your child’s skin,” explains Wilding. Everysun offers various sun care options for the entire family, including an SPF50 children’s range available in a lotion, trigger bottle and an aerosol spray. This child friendly sunscreen is specifically formulated for delicate skin including Vita Lock™ which is an infusion of superfruits, antioxidants, vitamins, and advanced UVA and UVB filters. A fragrance-free sunscreen which not only keeps your child’s skin safe from the harmful rays of the sun, but also moisturises it.

“Using a sunscreen created specifically for children is always the best choice when buying skin protection for your little one,” explains Wilding, “as it is formulated for their skin and offers complete protection and peace of mind.”


For more follow Everysun on Instagram: @everysun_sa or Facebook: @everysunsa

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