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MMA SA partners with AfricaCom 2013

AfricaCom is Africa’s largest communications conference and exhibition. Now in its 16th year, the conference features 350+ exhibitors and an astounding 8000 senior decision-makers representing the entire communications ecosystem across Africa and beyond. The conference programme covers the most strategic issues affecting companies in Africa’s digital market – services, efficiency, profitability, customer experience, partnerships, policy and more – and features 6 co-located events: LTE, Digital Music, Mobile Money, AfricaCast, AfricApps, Cloud/Big Data.

The Mobile Marketing Association of South Africa (MMA) have partnered with AfricaCom 2013 to offer their members a 20 percent discount on delegate passes to the event. Giving its members the opportunity to keep up with market trends and network with other partners and organisations. ‘We are proud to be able to showcase the exciting innovations in mobile marketing coming from Africa, at this auspicious event, helping our fellow marketers realise and leverage the fact that “Every Moment is Mobile”,’ said Candice Goodman, Chairman of the MMA of SA.

Recent studies have shown that increasing ICT access and faster broadband speeds have a direct impact on GDP growth. For African markets, this means faster, higher and even more sustainable economic growth and power for consumers and enterprises alike. This digital development (including mobile communications, broadband, mobile financial services, content services, cloud computing etc) is the reason why AfricaCom 2013 – the largest telecoms, media and ICT event in Africa – will be bringing together the whole ecosystem, from telcos to content providers, vendors, investors, regulators and more, to debate, innovate and challenge business thinking at this year’s event.

AfricaCom 2013 will look at the market from three major angles:

•Network and infrastructure strategies to improve access to digital communications: LTE (a full three day programme has been dedicated to this) and mobile broadband, satellite, fibre, wireless broadband, infrastructure sharing

•Commercial strategies to increase profitability for all stakeholders: new revenue streams, innovative partnerships, cost-efficiency strategies.

•Service innovation to offer customers and enterprises attractive services, whether content, data, financial services, apps or other.

•MMA SA are proud to have these two agencies as part of their membership base and look forward to seeing what future creative innovations they have in store for the global mobile community.
For more information on AfricaCom 2013 visit or to register:

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