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The evolution of the sassda brand

The South African Stainless Steel Development Association (sassda) has launched its new logo which represents the evolution of the association and its long history in South Africa. The Cross & Balls is a registered trademark owned by sassda and may be used by its members on all goods made from or containing South African stainless steel or goods made in South Africa from imported stainless steel of an internationally-accepted standard.‘Members of sassda are encouraged to use the logo to identify them as part of the association so it’s critical that the logo is easy to apply. The Cross & Balls device so long associated with South African stainless steel and the Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association, was melded into one strong, visually cohesive corporate image with the sassda name to create a strong and modern corporate device,’ said John Tarboton, executive director, sassda.

‘The Cross & Balls logo was first adopted by sassda as its trademark mark in 1973 and has long been synonymous with sassda. As such it was important not to disrupt the logo but rather, to evolve it in line with the progression of the association and remain relevant,’ explained Gary Crawford, sassda Marketing Consultant.‘The design centres on a classic sans serif font for the name, ensuring it is contemporary and easily recognised. The arrangement of the elements of the logo form a whole shape that works … easily recognisable, read and understood no matter what size.’

Founded in 1964, sassda is an association with a 50 year history of increasing awareness of the use of stainless steel in South Africa. The association’s mandate is to collectively promote the sustainable growth and development of the industry with the main emphasis on stainless steel converted within the South African economy. Members include both national and international companies and individuals involved in the production, distribution, fabrication, conversion and use of stainless steel.

‘For anybody looking for a stainless steel supplier, this new logo will continue to signify those companies that are committed to promoting sustainable use of stainless steel across South Africa,’ said Tarboton.

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