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3D Design & Customers Give Water Relief In Ratjepane

3D Design – plus its generous suppliers All Market Suppliers, Aquazania, Cumulative Trading Solutions, Café Kreme, Jack’s Paint & Hardware, Woodcentre and Woodstock – collected just under 20 000 litres of water and trucked it to Ratjepane near Brits where they distributed it to three primary schools, a pre-school and a clinic as well as at three different points in the town. All told, they managed to bring relief to some 1000 people, many of whom have not had access to reticulated water for five years now. Ratjepane’s plight was brought to 3D director, Ivor Allison’s, attention by 3D graphic applicator, Percy Motaung, whose mother lives in the town.

Allison said the hardship that the people of Ratjepane endure on a daily basis simply because their municipality has failed to deliver water was a real eye opener, not only for him but the 3D and Jack’s Paint & Hardware teams that went on the drive.

They plan to do more water drives in the future.

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