Tap into the hearts and minds of the Mom-sumer!
Exposure Marketing, a recognised name within the South African parenting community since 2004, bringing the country the likes of the MamaMagic Baby Expo, Milestones Parenting magazine and the MamaMagic Product Awards, launches an all new conference to help marketers tap into the hearts and minds of the Mom-sumer. Power of Mom is South Africa’s first executive conference that focuses on the nuances of marketing to moms.
‘We understand the power of moms as household influencers, decision-makers, multiple-hat-wearers, consumers and of course, boo-boo kissers! The Power of Mom conference will empower you to tap into the minds and hearts of this influential community,’ said Projeni Pather, managing director of Exposure Marketing and the brainchild behind the conference.
A Power of Mom research report which compiles information from thousands of South African moms on brand perception, how they want to be marketed to, how they shop, as well as their social media habits, shows that 73 per cent of moms make all household purchasing decisions. Pather continued, ‘But in this new age, moms need a lot more than the traditional forms of advertising to convince them to use your brand. Our conference aims to empower brands with new considerations, activations opportunities, engagements and research to target the millennial mom.’
The pressures on the new age mother are increasing and this has influenced her purchasing decisions. Providing the best for her family is still her top priority, but how do brands become part of her life, offer her a helping hand and help her to stay on top of her game 24/7/365. Power of Mom aims to educate, inform, inspire and grow brands that target moms. Don’t underestimate Mom’s influence over all purchasing decisions in her household. As marketers, we need to reinvent the way we communicate to mothers.
Conference delegates will include brand managers, brand directors, marketing managers, marketing directors, business owners, marketing, advertising, digital and communications agencies, and all major decision-makers in major consumer products or services looking at capturing the ‘mom market’. All attendees will be exposed to expertise and insight from knowledgeable thought leaders who will be focusing on:
•‘Women Power – Be connected with her every step of the way’ by Esti Prinsloo from Nielsens Sarah Britten from VML
•‘Trolleys and Tantrums: How to market to shopper moms’ by Sarah Britten from VML
•‘Delighting moms in a highly regulated country!’ by Nthithi Mafohla from Nestle
•‘Watint’uMama Watint’imbokodo – Don’t mess with Mom she’s a rock’ by Nancy Austin from Minanawe
For sponsorship and delegate enquiries, contact Janet on janet@exposuremarketing.co.za or cell 072 357 7399 or visit www.powerofmom.co.za .