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The Direct Marketing Industry – looking back to understand the way forward.

Let’s be Direct and keep it simple:

The Direct Marketing Industry – looking back to understand the way forward.

The Direct Marketing Association of South Africa (DMASA) was established in November 2005, after the dissolution of the Marketing Federation of South Africa (MFSA). Initially the MFSA took the DMA (Direct Marketing Association) under its wing in the federation. The DMASA went on to establish itself as an independent body, representing not only interactive and direct marketers, but with a focus on the consumer too.

With the MFSA no longer in existence, direct marketers required a body to both regulate and protect the industry. By re-establishing the Direct Marketing Association of South Africa, the aim was to protect both the industry and consumers from unethical or ignorant practitioners.

The DMASA positioned itself to lobby against adverse legislation from government and other regulatory bodies. Key to the DMASA’s activities was the promotion and expansion of interactive and direct marketing within the country.

So, where are we today?
Taking a personal interest in data, and the industry, I had to do some ground work. As part of my MBA research I embarked on a questionnaire that asked our industry players a few pertinent questions. The responses have been extremely positive. To give a brief account; the outcomes to the DMASA awareness and benefits proved that 80 per cent of respondents knew about the association and the benefits it offered. This has proved to be the cornerstone to the DMASA’s success.

Knowing the history and the reputation of Data providers of the past, how do data owners build for success?

To establish a sustainable data business in today’s climate, the first key ingredient, I believe, is a strong heart towards compliance, compliance, compliance! This separates the ‘Cowboys and Fly-by-nights’ from the passionate business leaders in the industry.

The second, in my books, is passion, passion to take a vested interest into your clients business, to work tirelessly towards successful sales, and inch closer to perfect profiling to get the best out for your client.

Most importantly, staying the course, through thick and thin, giving back to the client, owning up for failure and working to correction and ultimate success. These are real basic values, and at ByteStream we really keep it simple and client focused.

David Dickens is the Director, founder and owner of ByteStream

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