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IFLR1000 Women Leaders Guide 2018 recognises Webber Wentzel

The IFLR1000 recognised Sally Hutton, Karen Couzyn, Safiyya Patel and Angela Simpson as part of this year’s Women Leaders. Women Leaders is a new supplement by the IFLR1000, a guide to the world’s leading financial law firms, which recognises 300 women lawyers considered to be among the best transactional specialists in their markets and practice areas.

Recipients are chosen for their impressive track record of high-profile innovative deals and their standout performance in their practice area. Impressively the Webber Wentzel lawyers are four of only eight practitioners recognised in South Africa.

Christo Els, Senior Partner, Webber Wentzel said, ‘We are very honoured to have been listed in the guide as these accolades reflect our efforts to prioritise gender empowerment as integral to our strategy for growth and success.’

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