The Good Things Guy celebrates six years of sharing good news!
Six years ago, one South African citizen turned a reckless challenge into a random act of kindness. Fast forward a few years and today the Good Things Guy platform reaches over four million people every month sharing good news stories about South Africa and ordinary South Africans.
Good Things Guy founder Brent Lindeque says that after launching the website six years ago with the idea to share good news has changed his life completely. ‘What I didn’t know at the time is how much this little concept would change my entire life in the process. It would help me find my purpose and give me the best job title in the world.’
Today the platform employs a team of writers, who capture every day good news that constantly streams into Brent’s inbox and social media platforms. ‘There’s a LOT,’ he says. ‘The amount of feel-good news about our country coupled with the good deeds and initiatives from every day South Africans humbles our team on a daily basis.’
Brent over the years, has proven the misconception that good news doesn’t sell – an average social media post reaches over 500 000 people with close on 400 000 loyal followers across the Good Things Guys Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube platforms on a daily basis. The site’s top five stories are also displayed on various outdoor and indoor digital screens across South Africa.
With a 76% South African and 24% global readership across all ages, it’s clear that we all want more good news.
‘My intention at the time of starting Good Things Guy was to bring a little sunshine into the lives of others, to bring hope to people who felt despair and perhaps offer some balance in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelmingly sad,’ says Brent. ‘I wanted to share one good news story every single day and to make people proud of South Africa and remind everyone of all the good things happening in our beautiful country and the world.
‘Just looking at the last year… this pandemic, the lockdown, the anger, the sadness, the trauma and the pain. We have all been through the most. But even through all of that, in all that tragedy, every single day, something good happens, and I got to report on it every day.
‘I really do have the best job title in the world, but Good Things Guy is so much more than just me. It’s become a real business, with real writers, winning real awards, creating real change by finding real joy and sharing it with others.’
Good Things Guy has become one of the leading news sites in South Africa and has grown from one person with a simple idea to a full team that brings good news to South Africans every single day! The website is growing daily, with the highest reach achieving over 10 million people in a single month.