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Zinto’s flash mob energises at expo

The established brand activation, event and entertainment company, Zinto Marketing Group (Zinto), showcased its service offerings at this year’s Markex exhibition held at Sandton Convention Centre. Zinto made its first appearance at the expo with a surprise dance ensemble, also known as a flash mob, with dancers appearing seemingly from nowhere to engage an unsuspecting crowd of visitors to the exhibition with a well-choreographed sequence (to view the video: should a password be required enter: password1.

A flash mob consists of live and spontaneous entertainment that aims to create a captivating brand experience and has become increasingly popular as a medium to engage new audiences and grab and hold their attention. Michelle Combrinck CEO and founder of Zinto commented, ‘Flash mobs capture audience attention through the element of surprise, and it is a good way to generate publicity for a brand and can create positive word of mouth long after the event is over.’ Zinto uses music, dance and theatre on stage to deliver a multi-platform experience that represents the essence of brands by telling stories.

As Zinto creates brand excitement via the Performing Arts, dancers, musicians, MC’s and DJ’s are all an attraction that can be used for crowd ‘pulling’ and create brand hype. From a branding perspective, flash mobs are one of the only activities in the industry that combines two powerful marketing tools that are synonymous with large crowds, namely music and dance.Flash mobbing is a spectacular attraction that draws the masses and the Zinto crew is available for hire for campaigns and events.

For more information contact Michelle Combrinck of Zinto on 011 553 1000 or visit

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