Iconic HALLS reveals its NEW candy shape and vibrant packaging
HALLS has announced a new shape and revitalised packaging. The modern packaging shimmers on shelf and the new candy shape with the “H” emblem delivers a better mouth feel, all while delivering the same flavours and freshness that consumers know and trust.
Tamryn Attwell, Mondelez SA Brand Manager for Halls said, ‘HALLS is truly an iconic candy in South Africa and while steeped in consumer trust and heritage, we believe the shape change and new packaging will be enjoyed by consumers.’
With five invigorating flavours to choose from, there’s a refreshing Halls candy to suit every occasion, to stimulate taste buds and minds! In a world of infinite possibilities, HALLS helps people take the first step. Reawaken your senses and BREATHE the new HALLS to make things happen!
All five HALLS flavours are now available in stick pack formats, including Xtra Strong, Mentholyptus, Ice Blue, Cherry and Honey & Lemon.
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