Entries for 2018 AMASA Awards Open
The Advertising and Media Association of South Africa (AMASA) has announced that entries for the 2018 AMASA Awards are now open and that an exciting new award, the AMASA Agency Of The Year Award, has been added to the programme.
The annual AMASA Awards celebrate excellence in media strategy, media planning and the creative and innovative use of the media mix. A panel of expert judges will be looking for entries that demonstrate sound insights, creative thinking, innovative strategy, impeccable implementation, and outstanding and measurable results.
Media practitioners nationwide are invited to submit entries showcasing their best campaigns implemented between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. These will be judged in a number of different categories and will compete for the renowned Roger Garlick Grand Prix, which is presented for the best work overall.
The newly introduced AMASA Agency Of The Year Award will be presented to the agency that achieves the greatest number of points for both shortlisted work and awards achieved.
The top awards in the 2018 AMASA AWARDS programme are:
NEW: AMASA Agency Of The Year: This award recognises the most awarded agency in the awards programme and includes a motivation to a senior panel of experts.
Roger Garlick Award: This award is presented for the best overall campaign of the year.
Best Integrated Campaign
Campaigns entered for consideration in this category must demonstrate the use of two or more types of media. They will be judged on how well the chosen media types are integrated and entries must demonstrate how successfully the different media types complement and build on one another to communicate the brand’s overall message.
Best Integrated Campaign: FMCG
This category encompasses all fast-moving consumer goods and services.
Best Integrated Campaign: Transport
This category encompasses all vehicles and related products and services.
Best Integrated Campaign: Other Consumer Goods (including durables & telco)
This category encompasses all consumer durables.
Best Integrated Campaign: Financial
This category encompasses all providers of financial and related services, as well as all providers of property, building and infrastructure services and products.
Best Integrated Campaign: Public Services
This category encompasses consumer services.
Best Integrated Campaign: Travel, Entertainment and Leisure
This category encompasses all transport, travel and tourism service providers and related products.
Best Integrated Campaign: Retail (includes e-commerce & QSR)
This category encompasses all retailers, including e-commerce and QSR providers.
Best Integrated Campaign: Media
This category encompasses newspapers, magazines and supplements, books, records, CDs, cassettes, DVDs and Blu-ray discs, TV and radio stations, networks and programming, and movies.
Best Integrated Campaign: B2B
This category encompasses all business to business services and products across all sectors.
Best Branded Content Campaign
This category focuses on content creation and is open to all brands, agencies and production organisations that are dealing with brands in order to devise, create and distribute branded content.
The judges will be looking for innovative content that aligns with the brand’s strategy and values, and which addresses a clearly-defined marketing challenge. The way in which that content is leveraged – whether through licensing and rights selling or through engagement in social media – will be an important consideration in judging. This category is all about ‘owned’ media.
Best Experiential/Event Campaign
This category recognises brands that deliver experiential campaigns for consumers via events, stunt advertising, guerrilla marketing, projections, and roadshows or through sponsorship of an existing events property. The experiential campaign must be fundamentally physical in its core, but should include virtual elements.
Best Online Campaign
This category recognises campaigns that demonstrate an understanding of the digital landscape and have been integrated into it. It covers all forms of digital media. Its reach extends into affiliate marketing and campaigns should demonstrate great examples of interaction using digital media’s unique properties.
Best Social Media Strategy
This category rewards innovation in social media strategy. The winning campaign should be able to demonstrate great results through the use of social media. It may have been delivered via a social media platform or via an online initiative using existing or new social networks.
Best Use of Mobile
This category recognises the innovative use of mobile channels to reach and engage consumers. Any form of mobile media will be considered, including mobile apps, .mobi sites, mobile content or any form of mobile advertising, provided it shows how the advertiser has used mobile in a creative and engaging way to obtain great results based on clear objectives.
Best Use of Technology
This award will be made to the campaign that is seen to exploit new technology to its full potential in the marketing environment. The winning campaign should be able to demonstrate a good brand/technology fit and show innovation in the use of the new technology to reach an audience or multiple audiences. This category is open to any existing media channel or any new one created by the use of the technology. Judges will be focussing on the innovative nature of the technology and how it has been applied to meet a specific marketing challenge.
Best Sponsorship
This category focuses on campaigns that promote a brand’s value and position by going beyond traditional advertising channels and by using generated content.
Best Contribution by a Media Owner
This category recognises the efforts made by media owners, when partnering with advertiser clients, to connect directly with target audiences. The winning campaign could be based on a multi-platform strategy or could be a single execution. The entrant must be the media owner.
Ignition Award
The Ignition Award is aimed at current students, and rewards the best example of work submitted from media and advertising students.
Best use of a Small Budget (<150k)
This category recognises the most creative and far-reaching campaigns executed on a shoe-string budget. The judges will looking for ingenuity when it comes to getting clients the most bang for their buck!
Best Pro Bono Campaign
This category honours outstanding campaigns developed on a pro bono basis and focusing on causes as varied as environmental protection, wildlife conservation, child abuse and road safety.
Best Trade Marketing Campaign
Primarily for media owners, the Best Trade Marketing Campaign category seeks to celebrate the exceptionally creative trade campaigns that typically target media agencies and clients directly. Entrants will have to be clear about what the objectives of the campaign were and about how they achieved what they set out to do.
Best Tactical Use of Media
This category recognises the tactical use of one media channel only.
Media Agency of the Year
All entering companies will score points based on the number of campaigns shortlisted, the number of highly commended awards received, the number of gold awards received, and the points received for winning the Grand Prix.
For more information or to enter visit www.amasa.org.za